PREMIERE will host a series of workshops, meetings, and performances in collaboration with our partner institutions. Additionally, participation in external events will showcase PREMIERE and its solutions, fostering connections between performing arts and technology, as well as between key stakeholders in these two dimensions.

March 5, 2025. Nicosia (Cyprus)

Workshop “Exploring Extended Reality (XR) Technologies in Dance”. For professionals and creators of modern and traditional dance who wish to take advantage of new technologies.

Applications for participation by Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. μ. , via the link.

CYENS Center of Excellence, one of the partners in the PREMIERE project.

January 31, 2025. Lille (France)

FR 2052 SCV – Sciences et Cultures du Visuel. Université de Lille.

Damien Muselet, Laboratoire Hubert Curien – Université Jean Monnet, is a participant in the PREMIERE project.

January 28-30, 2025. Madrid (Spain)

Futuraescena artes escénicas siglo XXI. La Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España.

Pablo Palacio, Muriel Romero, Stocos, are participants in the PREMIERE project.

December 13, 2024. Amsterdam

Future Stages. A series of talk shows initiated by Ulrike Quade Company, focusing on the cross-relation between theatre and new technology.

Erik Lint, Head of IDlab, is a participant in the PREMIERE project.