Forum Dança’s Documentation Centre

Forum Dança’s Documentation Centre

Written by Ezequiel Santos The Documentation Centre emerged with the foundation of Forum Dança (FD), in 1990, to support and systematize Contemporary Dance in Portugal. Through the vision of its founders – people of philosophy, choreography and movement analysis...
PREMIERE on social media

PREMIERE on social media

We are now on social media! You can follow PREMIERE through several channels, to stayupdated on the project activities, events and calls for participation, as well as thedevelopments of the research steps and outcomes. We aim at creating a community among...
Kick-off meeting in Cyprus

Kick-off meeting in Cyprus

The kick-off meeting of the Premiere project coordinated by Athena Research Centre was held in Limassol, Cyprus from 3 – 5 October 2022. The 12 project partners gathered together to launch the work plan for the next steps and the next years. The aim of this project is...